As a Professional:
Ø Allowed me to make a living
Ø Allowed me to do something I like
Ø Allowed me to help others and make a difference in their lives
Ø Allowed me to be around other educated, honorable, balanced, successful professionals
Ø Allowed me to be an entrepreneur
Ø Allowed me to build/maintain self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect
Ø Taught me professional & business skills
Ø Allowed me to be my own boss
Ø Allowed me to make my own schedule
Ø Allowed me to work from remote locations for extended periods (in a bathing suit)
Ø Allowed me to practice what I learned in business school
Ø Allowed me to be creative
Ø Allowed me to choose my clients and co-workers
Ø Allowed me to 'fire' clients who misbehave
Ø Taught me to delegate
As a Consumer:
ü Teaches me about goals & objectives
ü Helps me to assess my personal values
ü Teaches me life skills
ü Helps me to be healthy (e.g. mental, physical, nutrition, etc.)
ü Helps me to be balanced (e.g. body-mind & spirit, work/play, eat/exercise, rest/sleep, live for today/plan for tomorrow)
ü Allows me self respect and self-confidence
ü Allows me to construct, prepare and file my taxes
ü Allows me to manage my investments effectively
ü Allows me to manage my insurances effectively
ü Allows me to manage my credit effectively
ü Allows me to protect my assets
ü Allows me a feeling of security in light of the unknown
ü Allows me to get married
ü Allows me to, financially, easily get divorced
ü Helps me to achieve/attain more of what I want out of life by planning & managing my finances effectively, and time well
ü Helps me manage my budget
ü Helps me to ask for help
ü Taught me to integrate different parts of my life
ü Allows me to maintain my body
ü Allows me to maintain my sanity and keep my existence in perspective
ü Allows me to maintain my sense of humor
ü Allows me to maintain my home
ü Allows me to maintain my 1978 Firebird w/Cragers and a working 8-Track
ü Allows me to travel/live in other places on a budget
ü Allows me to socialize with good friends and family
ü Allows me to take advantage of New York on a budget (e.g. culture, food)
ü Allows me to achieve life goals
ü Allows me to pursue diverse interests
ü Allows me to find peace, joy, contentment & happiness
ü Allows me to help others
ü Allows me to enjoy my life
What’s financial planning done for you?
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