Friday, September 14, 2012

38) A New Beginning

ust as the Jews allow for a week of mourning a death before having to return to the living, they also spend a week (8 days) putting the old year to rest, starting afresh, the new year.

            Whether it's the weather, or Rosh HaShanah (Literal Hebrew to English: "May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for a good year."), the 'School Year', or autumn, it's a time to start anew.

            At the beginning of the year, people traditionally put the old year to bed (e.g. reflect, ask for forgiveness, share blessings and good humor with others, hope for peace and good things, and make resolutions and list goals.

            To me, it's great to live in an international community, where I have the opportunity to start a year fresh multiple times per year.  It helps to review & update goals, and their progress.

            That's how financial planning works: set goals, analyze values, evaluate options, make a plan, implement the plan, monitor progress, manage progress, and celebrate success.

            What's your plan?  Who's helping you?


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